Grants for Landlords
Landlords, are you wondering if you are eligible to receive a Government Grant to improve the energy rating of your property?
There is currently funding available to improve the energy efficiency of Privately Rented properties, which will benefit both Landlords and Tenants. This funding is available via the Government E.C.O. scheme, which obligates energy companies to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty.
Landlords benefit as the energy efficiency measures will be installed free of charge and can increase the value of the property, plus will help to ensure that the property complies with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) regulations, which are proposed to require a minimum EPC rating of a C for new tenancies from 2025.
Tenants will also benefit due to having a warmer home and lower fuel bills, which has been shown to result in lower tenant turnover.
What energy-saving measures are available on the Grant scheme?
There is currently up to 100% funding available for the following energy-saving measures:
- Electric Storage Heaters: where the existing heating is electric room heaters, electric storage heaters or where there is no heating at the property.
- Cavity wall insulation: where the existing heating is electric room heaters, electric storage heaters, solid fuel fires, or where there is no heating at the property.
- Loft insulation: usually only available where the existing heating type is electric or solid fuel fires.
- Internal Wall Insulation: available for properties with solid walls or cavity walls where the existing heating type is electric or solid fuel fires.
- Gas Central Heating: the property must not have had central heating previously, and there must be an existing mains gas supply within 25 metres of the property.
- Room in Roof insulation: where the bedroom is in the attic space and has sloping ceilings. Funding is available if the existing heating type is electric room heaters, electric storage heaters or solid fuel fires.
Please note that if the property has Mains Gas Central Heating or Oil Central Heating, then we will not be able to obtain funding, unfortunately. Additionally, the funding is no longer available to replace existing boilers in rental properties.
Who can apply for a Government Grant?
If a property only has electric heating or solid fuel fires; and a tenant is in receipt of any of the following Tax credits or Benefits, then they will be eligible to apply for funding:
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- Attendance Allowance
- Carer’s Allowance
- Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance
- Income Support
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefits
- Pension Credit
- Personal Independence Payment
- Severe Disablement Allowance
- War Pensions Mobility Supplement
Rental properties with tenants that claim Child Benefit are also eligible for the scheme, but additional income requirements have to be met, as shown in the table below. The income thresholds show the maximum income for a single claimant or member of a couple to be eligible for funding.
Number of children | Single claimant | Member of a couple |
1 | £18,500 | £25,500 |
2 | £23,000 | £30,000 |
3 | £27,500 | £34,500 |
4+ | £32,000 | £39,000 |
Additionally, many Councils are signed up to a scheme called ‘L.A. Flex’ enables many tenants to apply for funding even if they are not in receipt of tax credits or benefits. The scheme is designed to help private tenants that do not have Central Heating and are at risk of fuel poverty. Â
Unfortunately, each Council has their own separate eligibility criteria for the ‘L.A. Flex scheme’. It is predominantly aimed at tenants over the age of 60, tenants with young children under the age of 5; and tenants with health problems.
Please get in touch with us using the Eligibility grant checker on our website https://www.energysavinggrants.org, and an energy advisor will contact you to discuss whether your tenant will meet the eligibility criteria. Please note that if the tenants are in receipt of tax credits or one of the benefits listed above, then they will automatically qualify for funding and will not need to meet the additional eligibility criteria set by the Council.
If your property does not qualify for ECO funding, there are other grant schemes available in the UK, such as the Clean Heat Grant scheme, which provides an incentive of £5000 towards the cost of installing an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP); and the Local Authority Delivery (L.A.D) scheme which enables properties to benefit from energy-saving measures such as External wall insulation, loft insulation and Solar.
How is the E.C.O funding calculated?
The amount of E.C.O funding that can be obtained for a property is based on the amount of carbon dioxide that will be saved by installing an energy-saving measure. The funding varies from one property to another and is based on the size of the property, heating type, construction type etc.
Any work carried out in your property will be installed by a Trustmark accredited installation company, and all work is guaranteed for up to 25 years. Funding is in high demand and is strictly allocated on a First Come; First Served basis. Any funding that you receive does not have to be re-paid.
How does a Landlord or Tenant apply for funding?:
Landlords and tenants can visit our website at www.energysavinggrants.org and complete the Eligibility Grant checker. A grants advisor will be in contact to discuss the property and establish what measures could be installed via the funding schemes.
We can then arrange for a retrofit assessor to visit your property to carry out a free, no-obligation energy assessment. Following this assessment, we can liaise with your tenant and arrange for the energy-saving measures to be installed.
If your property is eligible for funding, but the property does not have an EPC or the EPC has expired, we can arrange for a new Energy Performance Certificate to be produced when the energy-saving measure has been installed.
Landlords can also contact Energy Saving Grants on 03302230333
The Government Grant schemes are an ideal opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of your rental property and assist your tenants to save money on their fuel bills. They may also help your property to comply with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) without having to outlay any money.
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