Court Forms for landlords
All 2022 version court Forms a landlord may require, Accelerated possession claim, section 8 possession claim. We have included other commonly used forms landlords may need too.
Visit the template letter section to find accompanying letters.
N5B Accelerated S21 (England – Ver 2021)
N5B Accelerated possession claim under section 21 (For England), please ensure you fully comply with CPR and practice directions.
N5B Accelerated (Wales – Ver 2019)
N5B Accelerated possession claim (For Wales) under section 21, please ensure you fully comply with CPR and practice directions.
Witness statement
If you are claiming for possession under section 8, you will require a draft witness statement template. It will need to be adapted for your use.
N5 Possession Claim
N5 Possession claim form, ordinarily accompanied by N119 too unless trespass claim, you must check and comply with the CPR and practice direction.
N119 Possession Form
N119 Possession claim form, ordinarily accompanied by N5, please ensure you check and comply with the CPR and practice direction.
Certificate N215
N215 Certificate of service form for possession claim, to accompany possession claim, ensure you comply with the CPR and practice directions.
Application N244
Application notice form N244 this can be used for various tasks. Please read CPR and practice directions, if unsure speak to the court.
N121 Trespassers Form
N121 Trespassers Particulars of claim form to use with an N5 claim form. You must follow the CPR and Practice Directions.
Form N325A Bailiff
Form N325A Bailiff application to request a warrant for possession of the land after a suspended possession order, strictly use for a suspended possession order.
N1 Form
N1 Form use this if you cannot issue the claim online for any reason, read CPR part 7 and practice directions for this procedure.
Offer to Settle
Offer to settle Section 1 under Part 36, can be useful if you are defending a counterclaim for disrepair or maybe other matters too.
N325 Bailiff
Form N325 Bailiff application to request a warrant for possession of the land, this can only be used when the possession order has expired.
Rent Schedule
If your claim is for rent arrears, under section 8 you will be required to provide an up to date uncomplicated fully completed rent schedule.
Deposit Counterclaim
You can counterclaim if you have grounds for rent arrears, or other damages when a tenant claims breach of the deposit legislation.
EX160 Fee Help
Apply for help with fees, you may not have to pay a court or tribunal fee, or you may get some money off, speak to the court for guidance.
N337 Wages
N337 Request for Attachment of Earnings Order. Provided you have a judgement, and the defendant is employed, then consider using this process.